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19 May 17
Full: 105,00 TL
Dibidiyalağı buy ticket

%20 discount for Garanti credit card owners.

Anatolia’a wedding feasts that have been subject to the traditional stories will be served at the table at Cappadox Picnic. At the Picnic event where you’ll taste the local dishes, women who keep the traditions of the wedding feasts of Cappadocia will work collaboratively and cook nature’s fresh ingredients in boilers to offer you the most delicious meals. This experience involving natural tastes will be accompanied by pop-up concerts and festival games.

Be at Uçhisar Info/Shuttle Point 30 min before Picnic begins.

Note: *Ticket prices will change according to indoor sales, on festival dates May 18-21.

%20 discount for Garanti credit card owners.

*Event prices are subject to change